Upcoming Events
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- Important Info for OverHires: https://www.iatse27.com/OVERHIRE%20INFORMATION_Summer%202024.pdf
- Summer 2024 Event Calendar: https://www.iatse27.com/SUMMER%202024%20EVENT%20CALENDAR.pdf
- IATSE National Benefit Funds: https://www.iatsenbf.org/
- IATSE International: https://iatse.net/
- IATSE Training Trust Fund: https://www.iatsetrainingtrust.org/
- IATSE Local 27 Benefit Plans portal (issisystems.com)
- Barney-Monk payroll: https://barneymonk.com/
- Cleveland Cavaliers payroll portal instructions: https://www.iatse27.com/RMF%20Ceridian%20Login%20Sheet.pdf
- Cleveland Cavaliers payroll schedule: https://www.iatse27.com/Cleveland%20Cavaliers_2024%20paydates.pdf
- Playhouse Square payroll portal instructions: https://www.iatse27.com/Employee%20Self%20Service%20Instructions%20PHS.pdf
- Playhouse Square payroll schedule: https://www.iatse27.com/PHS%202024%20paydates.pdf
Seeking Referrals
Local 27 is actively recruiting qualified stagehands to expand our referral roster.
If you have experience, interest, or aptitude working as a stagehand, please submit your resume to employment@iatse27.com.
Local 27 does not employ stagehands. We serve as a referral hall for many major theatres, arenas, and convention halls in Cleveland. Besides referring well-rounded stagehands, we also seek out individuals with advanced Entertainment Industry skills, such as A/V technicians, lighting board operators, video camera operators & engineers, and riggers.
In order to be eligible for referral, you must be at least 18 years old, possess a valid state driver's license or ID and a Social Security card, or a valid US Passport. You must be willing and able to work within the Cleveland area.
IATSE Safety Hotline
Your Safety Rights at Work
The OSHA Act says you have the right to a safe and healthful workplace. OSHA wants employers and employees to work together to identify and mitigate hazards. The steps for reporting a problem and the IATSE Safety Hotline phone number are as follows:
- If hazard is an immediate danger, first clear others from the area.
- Report hazard to employer.
- Report hazard to Local.
- Report hazard to IATSE Hotline by calling 844 IA AWARE [844-422-9273]
* The IATSE Safety Hotline is not intended to take the place of an employer’s hazard reporting plan, or to relieve the employer from their responsibility to keep jobs safe. The “General Duty Clause” in the OSHA Act requires the employer to provide a safe place to work. Part of the IATSE’s mission is to assist the employer with making the workplace safer.
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Take Action
Ask your member of Congress to cosponsor the bipartisan Performing Artist Tax Parity Act, H.R. 2871 introduced by Reps. Judy Chu (D-CA) and Vern Buchanan (R-FL). The bill updates the Qualified Performing Artist (QPA) deduction, modernizing a provision that has been on the books since it was signed into law in the 1980s by President Reagan, so that middle-class arts workers today can deduct their common business expenses.
IATSE legislative advocacy is focused on member priorities, advancing legislation that: protects our right to organize; expands our collective bargaining rights; defends our pension funds and health care benefits; enforces strong copyright protections to protect creative content; preserves and expands federal funding for the arts; expands job opportunities in our industries; and advances equity, diversity, and inclusion. These issues also guide the administration of IATSE PAC. Our PAC supports candidates and elected officials that stand with workers, regardless of party affiliation.Search